of Learning
Applications for Effective Learning

Knowing Yourself as a Learner
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- Know how you learn best and adapt
the study strategies that work best
for you.
- Choose the best learning strategy for the task at hand.
- Monitor your understanding and progress as you go along.
- Adjust strategies when appropriate.
- Web sites on learning styles,
metacognition (knowing how you know) and learning disabilities.
- Find out
more about the Study Skills Course.

Getting the Big Picture & Dealing with Details
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- Read the course syllabus for an overview of the course.
- Preview the whole text to get an overview of course content.
- Outline (Cornell notes) or map
each chapter before you read in detail or go to class.
- Read/listen for the introduction and summary.
- Review your outlines or maps before tests.
- Preview the test before starting, then plan
your strategy.

Breaking Tasks into Meaningful Chunks
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- Break up study into 45 minute to 1 hour chunks.
- Break up reading or study by units of information ( i.e., chapters
or topics).
- Label information in text books and in your notes.
- Connect new information to maps or outlines to keep it connected
with other related information.
- Look for relationships-- i.e., categories, cause-effect, similarities/differences,
etc. Use cognitive questions and visual
organizers to assist understanding and memory.
- Study by reviewing main ideas and details from flash
cards and Cornell notes.

Questioning and Using Cognitive Structures
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- Determine your purpose for reading or for the task.
- Ask, "What do I already know about this task or subject?"
- Use questions at the end of the chapter or develop questions
from headings to focus on important information as you read.
- Monitor your understanding as you read or listen to lectures.
- Use questions at all cognitive levels
to help yourself process and remember information.
- Ask: "Does this answer make sense?"
- Ask for help if you need it.

Memory and the Importance of Review
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