L i n e a r   A l g e b r a   N o t e s

About the Notes

All notes were created with LaTeX. All figures in the notes were created with the TeX package known as TikZ. Some of the figures are stereoscopic pairs: if you stare at them with eyes relaxed, they should merge to produce a three-dimensional effect (though you may have to experiment with resizing the page on your screen or trying different distances).

Linear Algebra 12/06/17 - 298
1. Euclidean Vectors 09/14/17 - 21
2. Matrices and Systems 07/29/16 - 39
3. Vector Spaces 10/08/17 - 46
4. Linear Mappings 08/07/15 - 54
5. Determinants 05/20/17 - 33
6. Eigen Theory 08/11/15 - 43
7. Inner Product Spaces 12/06/17 - 29
8. Operator Theory 01/05/14 - 18
9. Canonical Forms 01/03/14 - 04
10. Geometry of Vector Spaces 05/03/14 - 05
S. Symbol Glossary 07/27/16 - 03
A. Answer Book
