I. Course Objectives:
This basic statistics course is designed for business, liberal arts,
psychology, pre-allied health, computer science and science majors. The
prerequisite for this course is a placement score at level 7 or Intermediate
Algebra (Math 103) with a C or better or Mathematical Concepts I (Math 101)
with a C or better. This course will introduce the student to the basic
concepts of descriptive statistics, probability and the methods of statistical
inference. Topics studied include descriptive measures for empirical data,
theory of probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions of
statistics from large and small samples, estimation theory, hypothesis
testing, correlation and regression. A detailed assignment sheet will be
It is expected that students will demonstrate both an understanding of the
theoretical concepts and the application of these concepts to a variety of
applied problems.
III. Testing Procedures:
Four one-hour tests will be given at the points in the course indicated on
the assignment sheet. Announcements will be given a week in advance of the
test. If you miss a test for whatever reason, you can take an alternative test
at the end of the semester. Before each test, try the practice test on
CourseCompass so you will know what to expect. A written research paper will
be assigned. In this paper, the student will use the concepts taught
throughout the course and apply them to his/her own area of interest.
Additional information about the paper will be given in class.
IV. Grading Practices:
A weighted average (four tests count 100 points apiece and the paper 25
points) will be computed and course grades will be determined as follows as a
percent of 425 points. These points will be added to your grade.
A 90-100 B+ 87-89 B 80-86 C+ 77-79 C 70-76
D 60-66 D+ 67-69 F 0-59
Please refer to the college catalog for the policy on cheating and
plagiarism. The college policy will be strictly enforced. Letting someone copy
your work makes you guilty of plagiarism as much as the one who copies.
V. Study Requirements
This is a 3-credit course. Class attendance is required. Excessive absences
can adversely affect your grade. Expect to spend at least two hours of study for
each class hour. Study time should be spent a) Going over notes from previous
class. Taking careful notes is important. Write down concepts or problems that
you do not understand during class. b) Doing assigned problems. The best way to
learn mathematics is to do problems. Suggestion - put an * next to problems
which give you trouble and ask about them during the next class. Additional
practice problems are available through CourseCompass quizzes and homework in
each section..
VI. Withdrawal:
If you should find it necessary to withdraw College Policy states that:
"Withdrawal during the first 10 weeks carries a W grade." Check for
the deadline.
If you stop attending class, do not complete the course requirements, and
don’t withdraw you will receive an F.
If you are excessively absent, College policy states that an instructor may
withdraw you from class.
VII. Extra Help:
If you are having difficulty with the subject matter please take the
opportunity to stop by my office and get some help. Tutoring that is free of
charge is available in the Tutoring Center located in Library 119. CourseCompass
is an Internet tool that provides tutorial help as well as a Student Solution
manual. Access comes free when you purchase a new text.
VIII. Required Text: Elementary Statistics, Picturing the World 3e by
Larson and Farber. Required calculator: TI-83 or TI-84.