D i s c r e t e   M a t h e m a t i c s   N o t e s

About the Notes

These notes for discrete mathematics are just getting started, so there's not much to say at the moment. I'm starting with Chapter 10, on graph theory, and I expect that new chapters on other topics will be added in an order largely dictated by my mood. The last time each chapter was updated is indicated, along with its page count.

Discrete Mathematics 06/17/24 - 122
1. Logic 05/21/24 - 02
3. Methods of Proof 05/29/24 - 07
4. Relations and Functions 06/13/24 - 03
7. Enumerative Combinatorics 06/17/24 - 02
10. Graph Theory 02/27/24 - 61
11. Trees 05/16/24 - 09
12. Further Topics in Graph Theory 02/14/24 - 36
