to post stories onto the Centurion website
go to the Centurion website:
Scroll to the bottom right-hand corner of the site and log in (we will provide you a username and password in class)
Go to the “stories” link on the left-hand menu. Click "new."
Open up the Word doc or Adobe Indesign layout page that has the story you want. Copy and paste the story into the large story box, and the headline into the title box above.
Paste the writer’s name in the byline box below the story.
Return to the layout page to get the picture that went with the story. Then post it into “Paint,” the picture editing program found on the Centurion computers. Save the picture onto your desktop.
Scroll down to the bottom right-hand corner of the page to the “set featured image” link. Click that, then on the next page click “upload files” at the top left. Upload the picture you just saved.
Once the picture has been
uploaded, click on the picture then click the blue “set featured image”button on
the bottom right.
Now scroll up to the “categories”box on the right-hand side. Click the “most used” button and choose the appropriate category for your story. Generally you should just click one category. If the story is very good and has a good landscape-style picture to go with it, you can click “top stories,” which will place the story in the revolving slideshow at the top of the homepage. Vertical, portrait- style pictures don’t work very well in top stories.
(Also, please don’t choose “uncategorized.” It basically just means the story won’t be seen anywhere.)
Give the story one final check, then click the blue “publish” button on the right-hand side. If you make any mistakes it’s easy to return to the story, fix the error and then republish.